Sunday, April 4, 2010

testing 1..2..3..

When you know you shouldn't be doing something, but yet you do it anyways... at the end of the day how does that make you feel? Being Caught in a Moment of feeling like nothing else matters but feeling good...not thinking of consequences or challenges that may arise from your actions is one of lifes mysteries to me. Its like we are constantly being challenged.. and tested....but at the end of the day...what matters? and what is the point of being tested?
If you ask me I have no idea.

Who sets the guidelines as to what is acceptable and what is wrong? is it yourself? are we all just living our lives with what we have each created to be acceptable.. do we set our own rules... and if we do why do people experience guilt over choices they have made? Perhaps it is because if we each have separate morals and ethics when they conflict we are put in a position of second guessing ourselves and doubt.

Testing...1...2...3.... why does it stop there? do we get 3 chances?...3 times a charm? who makes all this stuff up and why do we all go along with it.....the human brain is a strange thing we have so many ideas...but yet i bet only 10 percent of all the populations ideas come into play and become reality. So how do you become a part of that 10 percent...just do it...stop analyzing and thinking and observing...and just through through through ideas and see what happens....stop saying what if...or well i would IF...or i cant right NIKE says...JUST DO IT. whatever IT may be.

I get side tracked so easily....but when I start something I always want to finish it.....I think thats why my blogs are so completely random lol.

Happy Easter...whatever Easter may mean to u.....this year to me its spending time with the family and friends....a glass of red wine......playing piano and writing music that can make you cry before it is even created....dont ask me how its possible... but it is... watching movies...and sleep......ohh sweeet dreamz....i love sleep ;)

The first line to my newest song....

When i first saw you
i had all the hope in the world.

Until next time..

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